
Balanzoni On creamed leeks and potatoes with eggplant powder


16 Balanzoni

For the leek cream:
300 g leeks
50 g potatoes
20 g Evo oil
black pepper to taste
salt to taste.

For the creamed potatoes:
200 g potatoes
10 g Evo oil
salt to taste
pepper to taste.

For eggplant powder:
300 g black eggplant peel


For the eggplant powder: Dry the eggplant peels in an oven at 70°C for about 12 hours, and once dry, blend the peels and sift them through a very fine mesh sieve.

For the leek cream: cut and peel the leeks and potatoes. Cook in boiling water for 5 minutes, cool immediately in cold water and ice to keep the color of the leeks bright, and whisk together adding oil, salt and pepper. Strain the cream with the help of a sieve.

For the creamed potatoes: peel, cut potatoes into about 2 cm cubes and cook in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain the potatoes and blend them by adding oil, salt and pepper. Strain the cream with the help of a sieve.

Cook the balanzoni in boiling salted water and drain when al dente. Arrange the leek cream on the plate, lay the Balanzoni and a few dots of potato cream on the side. Complete the dish with the eggplant powder and a few pieces of leek and potato.

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